When you want to promote your business, product or services, you want professionals who can do the job extremely well, extremely fast and with extremely good results. But you have to admit that sounds a little extreme…
more When a client first approaches the client service person, there is a match made in heaven. They promise each other to make it work, and each of them brings the goodies to the table: the high-end exclusive benefits on one hand and the generous budget on the other.
more Do you ever dream of cheating on your old marketing campaign with new media? Do you envision the exciting opportunities lying all over the web, through multiple inviting and luscious screens? We do too.
more New Year’s resolutions are tricky. People may actually remember what goals you set and then check them out at the end of the year. But this is not a resolution list. It’s wish list and an ambition check list.
more I chose to start over my professional life 3 times by my 30th birthday, with the risk of working for free for months, with the constant pressure of learning new things and always being on my toes as the new and insecure kid in town.