24/7 Dental

24/7 Dental - social media for premium dental services

Dental care is a tough service to sell. People don’t choose their dentists by the lowest prices, or the coolest ad. The relationship needs to be built with the bricks of time and trust. That was the online PR challenge for one of the leading dental clinics in Bucharest!

Our approach? Start communication with a wide angle on all suitable digital channels, with crafted messages adapted for every medium.

Simplexity took over two of the clinic’s Facebook pages, started one on Instagram and Linked In and began communication in all directions, aligning all visuals with the existing website. Activating the PR and networking engines as well, we facilitated a partnership with the most read news publication for foreigners in Romania, which brought the clinic advertorials, online banners and participation to a national fair.

The corporate identity was boosted with a retouch for the logo and a unitary creative concept was applied to all graphics.

In only three months after taking the account, the average reach per post was increased by 24%. That engagement brought the community of fans close, while commercial and human stories were delivered to more people. Existing fans and new users started falling in love with the brand, as the average number of likes per post increased by 135%.

All in all, the 24/7 Dental brand core message reached over 278,000 potential patients in only three months.